2024 News
Elise Magnant

Winter is apparently over and we are thrown back into farm mode. 2024 is promising to be a very exciting season, with shifting markets, new projects, and new tools. This blog post will update you on what's going on around here and how it might pertain to you!

First off, we have just been approved to accept EBT/SNAP funds for our CSA, any on farm produce sales and our vegetable starts. This has been a long term goal for us, and will hopefully open up access to our products to even more of our local community. 

If you have been driving up Maple Hill at all, you've probably seen our greenhouse in progress. We are investing in infrastructure in a big way this year. We hope to have that greenhouse completed, as well as an additional one by the end of June. We also have plans to convert one of the barns here into a wash pack area. We are very excited to have an efficient and comfortable place to process the vegetables (draining floors! no mud!) and a clean and organized space to welcome visitors into. This will also involve an increase in electric service and potentially a new well drilled. All in all, we expect the first few months of our season will be full of chaos and heavy equipment, but will eventually result in the beautiful and well utility-ed farm business of our dreams.

Plant Sale: Still happening.


Why A Farm Journal?
by Kagen

As we begin this next chapter of our farm's journey, with our new home farm on Maple Hill and a new name on the store shelves, I ask myself how will we tell our farm's story? Our philosophy, our practices, what kind of farm are we? Do the people eating our produce even care about the kind of farm their food comes from? I consider myself fortunate to farm in a community where the answer to the last question seems to be a simple and resounding yes. To describe something as complex as agricultural philosophy and practice however, I think deserves a little more nuance. Short answer: We are a small-scale organic farm, but that is a conversation that never ends. Look to this page for announcements, reflections, and ramblings from the whole cast here at Blackbird Organics. We hope through these vignettes of our farm we can, over time, paint a fuller picture of what is going on around here.